
Episode Preview: Saving Mars, By Cidney Swanson

This Friday, October 16th, the Lies and Half Truths Podcast is bringing you an excerpt from Cidney Swanson's Saving Mars, read by me (AP Weber) and scored by my good friend Josiah Martens. It's going to be great, so don't miss it.

McKenzie Stubbert

This Friday, we begin the first installment in a four-part story called The Witch of Hamilcar, TX. Besides being an exciting horror/mystery/adventure story, this episode marks the first in, what I hope will be, a long-standing collaboration with award winning composer McKenzie Stubbert. In the above preview, you can hear a sample of some on the original music he has composed for this podcast. You can also stream or buy his album, Ex Libris, by clicking on this link. One of my favorite things he's done is this waltz cover of David Bowie's "Let's Dance" for a Boxtrolls featurette. Have a look.